
DataCollector for iPad
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Data Exchange with your PC

There are 4 possibilities: iTunes, email, import from Web page or use a cloud drive like DropBox, SkyDrive, ... and the Open In functionality as in the email

1) Synchronize your files to your iPad/iPhone with iTunes

- Open iTunes, connect your iPhone/iPad and select Apps

Select Apps

- Drag & Drop your files.


2) Send your dcx or csv file as email attachment and open the attachment on your iPhone/iPad from the email app:

EMail Attachement Open In...

3) Import data from Web page

- Press the Import button and navigate to the website with the dcx or csv file offered as a download link. (Check out the http://datacollector.simplexity.ch/downloads.html for example)
- Press the link and the application asks you if you want to import the file.

Remark: Due to technical restrictions by Apple (in the UIWebView) it is not directly possible to open a link from a password protected site.
Workaround: Import the file with the PC companion app. Later on you can reload/update the file directly from the iPhone/iPad app, since the link is stored in the dcx file and a login/password dialog is presented.

(C) 2013 by sbr/Simplexity